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Remote Session 10/21 Assignment
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Remote Assignment  October 21st   [Criminal Procedure]


This assignment is in four parts:                


  1. Reading your assignment:  Waco and the Search Warrant (Located in Handouts section)
  2. Posting to the blog before Thursday, October 21st   before 11pm and providing your answers to the questions below (You only need to answer questions for your group and they will be listed in the blog for you):


Group 1&2

 1.  What problems existed at the BATF prior to the Waco episode?

 2.   How did the warrants misapply the law?

       3.    Explain how witnesses used for the warrant application were unreliable or otherwise ignorant about important facts?

       4.  How were the reasons for the exclusionary rule hampered by the decision in the case of United States v. Leon?

Group 3&4

      5.  What is the role of a warrant application?

6.       How did possession of a machine gun and possession of a hand grenade differ?

7.       How were the warrant applications facts “stale?”

8.       How does the author explain the relation between Aguilar v. Texas and Illinois v. Gates?

Group 5

9.  What types of warrants were issued in the Waco case and what did they permit?

10.  Explain the use of a computer graphic of a machine gun in the Waco case and       what role it played?

11.  How did Gerald Goldstein, President of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers characterize the affidavit used to support the warrants?


  1.  Posting a reply to a comment on the blog on or before before Monday, October 25th at 11:59pm.  This reply is to be in another group’s section and not your own. (For example, if you are in Team 1, you should post in someone else’s section for this post, like say, Team 5)  I ask you to post a reply to someone’s comment rather than posting something new.  I will give extra credit if you note someone’s answer to a question is not entirely accurate or is incomplete.

  2. Participating in a panel discussion with your team on Tuesday, October 26th.

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Dave Freeman can be reached at