Introduction to Paralegal Studies

Group Work Revised Assignment
Distance Ed Syllabus, Spring 2008
Handouts Fall 2007



To: Paralegal Studies Scholars

From: Dave Freeman

Date: September 12, 2006 due date revision September 19, 2006

Re: Group Assignments


You have read one of three articles pertaining to the Bill of Rights.

Your assignment in groups is basically to educate your fellow students on what you’ve read, learn a little more about the topics contained in your article and post information for the class.

Each Group must prepare a summary of your article to be posted to the blog (There will be a new section added to the blog by tomorrow morning for that purpose.)

Your summary should be clear, include all relevant facts, the legal issue(s) presented and the resolution of that issue.

Be sure to include the constitutional section considered and explain how the issue relates to that issue. Preparing a summary is a big job – Your classmates will be relying you to provide them with what they need to know about your case. (Information pertaining to each case will be included on your first test. You are, in essence, teaching your fellow classmates what they need to know.)


In addition each group must post the following:


  • Information about three websites related in some way to your article. (The sites could be directly related or could be about the amendment your article is concerned with. Be sure to provide a summary of the website and include the sponsor of the site and a link to the site.
  • Review questions for your classmates regarding the article and the other information you’ve discovered. You should post a minimum of ten questions.
  • Model answers. Prepare model answers to the questions you posted. These should not be posted.


You will have time in class tonight to work on this assignment.


Due Dates for Group Work:


1.  Summary posted by September 19, 2006


2.  Questions (five) and websites with brief description posted by October 4, 2006.


3.  Model response to the questions handed via email by October 18, 2006.


You will be give some time in class each week to work on this assignment (generally 30 to 45 minutes) but will need to also coordinate out of class to successfully complete the work.


Upon completion of the work on October 18, 2005, you will be asked to complete a self-evaluation and an anonymous evaluation of the participation of your colleagues in your group.  This assessment will be key in determining individual performance on this project.