Criminal Investigation T/R 11-12:20

Course Schedule
Reaction papers
Syllabus (Live Course)
Syllabus Distance Course

Welcome to my class!

A class web site can be a creative way of getting students excited about a subject, keeping them up to date on assignments, and providing them with valuable online resources. Because a class site should be engaging, I'll present information that makes the subject interesting and fun, such as brain teasers or polls about current events. Of course, I'll want to include plenty of links so students can explore a wealth of ideas on the web.
For instance, one of the major issues right now is the manner of interrogation of suspects, particularly terrorism suspects.

Events and Announcements
Updated 1/16/07

This webpage will be used for both live and the distance criminal investigation course.  I will distinguish messages to the live by the L and for distance, I will precede them with "D."

In the News


News flash!!!!!
New text adopted for criminal investigation classes, both live and distance:
Swanson, Chamelin, Territo, Criminal Investigation, Eighth Edition (McGraw-Hill, New York, 2003)
ISBN #  0-07-248592-2

Meet the Challenge!


I would like this course to be fun.  I will enjoy it and I have great enthusiasm for what we will do in class and the materials we will cover.  I will ask you to try and follow three rules:  on time, try hard, pay attention.  I will take every class seriously and I will expect the same of you.
Let me know what I can do to help at any time during the course.

Email the instructor at: